Test!? No Problem

As a college student living on campus, you can only imagine the conflict and negativity that I face on a weekly basis. In particular, this past week has created a great deal of tension between my roommate and I. Although I tried to steer clear from the negativity and desperately clung to the thin strand of patience I thought I had, it has not been easy.  I could feel the rage begin to bubble through my veins, I thought I couldn’t take it so I prayed.. and prayed and prayed. I feel it was the holy spirit that calmed me down; constantly reminding me that every situation has a greater purpose and to get to the next level you need to pass each test presented to you. You become closer and closer to your destiny with each test you pass. Think of everything that is meant to upset you, anger you, sadden as a test. God wants to bless you and spoil you but in order for youIMG_2260.JPG to truly attain what God has for you, you need to be seasoned.

You know the saying, be careful what you wish for… or everything looks good from the outside, well they aren’t popular cliche’s for the sake of it. If God gave you everything you ask for with the drop of a dime, what would it be worth? We can’t step into our destiny without being fully equipped to fulfill the position he has waiting for us. If you think about it, It’s life. We go to middle school to gain skills to succeed in high school, we go to high school to get prepared for college, we go to college to become prepared to proficiently serve in the professional work force. God needs to prepare you, he wants to! He needs to prepare you for your destiny here on this earth. However you have to be willing, stand firm in the word of God, stay strong, lead with your heart and not feelings. Don’t let the enemy take you over, anything or any IMG_2289.JPGfeeling that is not love or sound of mind is not God. If you remember that through your test he will take the enemys’ plans and use them for good.

I watched this sermon the other week and it said “when you are weak God is strong”, when you feel like you are about to be overcome with anger or sadness that’s when you ought to turn to the Lord, for he is all you need. Turn on christian music and drown out those negative thoughts, get on your knees and pray, cast your cast onto the lord and he will answer. Pour out your heart to him.

 I thank God I am a warrior and possess the mighty and powerful armor of God because without it who knows where I would be. Although I do not pass every test as well as I hope, I try. I am so thankful god is a merciful and forgiving God. Stand Firm and declare you will pass the test.


Be Committed.

Being a Committed woman in college can be difficult but learn to trust your journey and use this advice to help you along the way!

As I stated in my “About me” piece I am a college student. I am currently on the track of pursuing business law but I am looking to change to Global politics. With being a vital member of the UN and creating policies that globally impact the world serving as the ultimate goal, I feel this would be a better suit for me. I was planning on taking the more common route by pursuing law then going into politics, but I decided to stop listening to others and do what I feel and what I feel God is trying to show me. As I said I am working to walk by faith not by sight.

Aside from academics being a Christian woman going to a public college can be difficult. Before we had parents or mentors to look to for guidance and redirection, but in college it feels as if you are on your own in a way. College is the place where people want to “explore” their new found freedom; but I am here to say it is not worth it. I was very lost and lonely when I first came to college because I found my self trying to be something I was  not: going to parties, drinking, trying to get guys attention.. it just wasn’t me. Even tho I knew it was wrong I would internally argue with my self and try to justify why I thought a little sip of Ciroc wasn’t bad and that maybe just going to the party for thirty minutes was ok. I would wonder why I  was overcome with a sense of guilt and the feeling of worthlessness the next day (sometimes even as fast as the first few steps out of the dark, sweat filled, hot-breathe/buttcheek smelling party) … when everyone else was so happy and content with feeding their own pleasures. Quite frankly that is where I went wrong, comparinIMG_2183.JPGg myself. God has a special purpose for everyone and some things that you encounter are not gonna be for you; things that make one person happy or even a whole group of people happy is not always going to make you happy and that is ok. You are not going to fit into every crowd or mesh with every clique. You have to make an effort to find your niche, look to the lord, and ensure you are comfortable in your own skin. Make an effort to cast your cares and worries onto the lord instead of scrummaging for a quick fix. Looking back, I am so thankful because I know he was protecting me. Usually when you feel like you don’t fit in it’s because you are not meant to be in that crowd. He has a better plan and a better place for you; but yea… those first few months were very tough. I was very confused and lost. Reflecting on it, I realize I was constantly looking to fulfill others expectations of what the college experience is supposed to be like. Truth is, it is going to be different for everyone; your morals, values, and how you were raised will really begin to kick in (hopefully).

I feel college is the start of your life, the time where you will start being held accountable as an adult for all of your actions. Personally I want to represent God and myself respectfully and in a way that will make him proud. This is the time where we have to chose whether It is worth it to please others and our flesh or please God; do I want eternal life or 15 seconds of pleasure. I’ve realized God is so good to me and does so much for me I don’t understand why I wouldn’t want to give him the little that he asks for. I don’t like using others so why would I even think to selfishly use God.
I can not express how grateful I am for being back in a place of content, truth, and peace…the place I am suppose to be. I had to sit down and recognize what was really important to me. Don’t let the temptation of 1 hour of pleasure lead you off the path you are meant to be on, be strong in your faith and have integrity. Happiness and success will find you but you have to make that sacrifice and decide what is more important to you. College is a crazy place and it can be confusing if you are not committed to to the lord.. Shoot it can be confusing even if you are committed. All in all I hope that we can be strong.. strong for Christ, allow him to guide our footsteps. Be content with who you are and recognize what God has in store for you is exceedingly and abundantly greater than anything this world could ever do for you.

